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  • Writer's pictureSam | STINGRAY Photo Co.

Kaylee's Simple Studio Senior Photos

Simple Studio Senior Photos

For all of us, there's something undeniably special about returning to your hometown. As a photographer, it is an especially wonderful journey to make in order to capture the essence of its rising stars. Smithville High School, from which you can actually see the waters of Smithville Lake, holds so many memories, making each and every senior session a heartwarming experience.

My recent photoshoot with Kaylee, a talented dancer and the captain of the school's dance team, was no exception. Kaylee envisioned her session to include her passion for dance, but also some simple studio senior photos to let her personality shine.

We decided to create a visual narrative that showcased Kaylee's bold style and vivacious personality. To achieve this, we began the photoshoot on a neutral, white background. The simplicity of the backdrop allowed Kaylee to shine in her classic, casual outfit and her fun and formal red dress.

As with all of my senior sessions, it's truly fun to just get to know who you're working with. I think of it as an old habit from my years in education, something we'd call "individualization." This can be defined as "the act of making something different to suit the needs of a particular person, place, etc."

As we worked through poses and outfit changes, it was so much fun to hear of the different ways Kaylee intended to keep dance a part of her future, how she is also looking to pursue a life of individualization by studying ESL education in her undergrad, all while listening to some of her favorite 90s and 00s classics.

I'll always maintain this - each photoshoot, especially for seniors, will look and feel pretty different from one another. Individualization is why, and Kaylee's equally sweet and bold personality is a perfect example of this.

To add another layer of significance to the shoot, and some variety in outfits, we headed to the Smithville High School football field, where Kaylee and her Dazzlers regularly perform. Effortlessly posed around the SHS football complex, we captured Kaylee in her Smithville green and white on a shockingly beautiful summer evening in late August, just before her senior school year began.

Smithville is a charming place, and though it continues to grow year after year, it manages to maintain the sweet slowness and simplicity of a smaller town. This is largely true for Kansas City's northland, and it's always a treat to get out of the city and head north to places like Smithville, but also its surrounding communities on the Missouri side like Platte City, Kearney, Liberty, Lawson, Holt, Plattsburg, Dearborn, and beyond.

Kaylee's journey as a dancer and as a leader, getting ready to launch into the next chapter of her academic and dance journey, epitomizes the spirit of this lakeside town we've both been able to call home. It was an honor to be a part of Kaylee's senior story and to celebrate the absolute magic she brought to this shoot.

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