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  • Writer's pictureSam | STINGRAY Photo Co.

Downtown Kansas City Headshot Photoshoot | Midtown & Liberty Memorial

The sun had barely peeked over the Kansas City horizon when we began our early morning downtown Kansas City headshot photoshoot. Joe, a newcomer to the city, and his super cute pup, Waldo, were the stars of the day. Excitement filled the air as the backdrop of Kansas City’s Midtown neighborhood started to come alive, showcasing its own unique charm.

Our day started in the heart of Midtown, where the rhythmic hustle and bustle of city life accompanied us. The sight of Joe in his light gray suit, which elegantly complemented the earthy hues of the cityscape, was picture-perfect. Waldo, on the other hand, was a natural in front of the camera, adding a splash of joy and innocence to our day.

As the sun began to rise, we moved to Liberty Memorial, with its stunning view of downtown. Here, we were greeted by an awe-inspiring sight; the dawning sun was casting a soft, ethereal glow on the stormy morning sky, creating a magical ambiance that was both dynamic and captivating. The architectural wonder that is Liberty Memorial, with its beautiful art deco design and beige stone edifice, was the perfect foil for Joe's suave outfit. The suit's light gray color seemed to meld effortlessly with the monumental structure's beige tone, creating a harmonious blend of style and architecture.

Working with Joe and Waldo was indeed a delight. It was refreshing to see the city through the eyes of someone who had recently moved here, and witnessing Joe's love for Kansas City made me fall in love with it all over again. And let's not forget, headshots aren't confined to plain backgrounds. Our session highlighted how incorporating elements like stone and city views can provide depth and interest, making the headshots more vibrant and unique. The results were nothing short of stunning.

This photoshoot was not only an enjoyable experience, but also a beautiful tribute to Kansas City, showcasing its architectural marvels and city life. Just another testament to why I love my city so much.

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